Thursday, September 23, 2010

09 'happy to steal food' in 2010 what we steal?

- What 3G applications to copy the 'stealing food trend'

Taoism advocated cautious and subtle ideological content of most of people of doing things. In the past year, even if occasionally mixed with almost concerned about 3G in the domestic market, stir-fried, a considerable number of people to join in the attitude of 3G or reservations. Even so, the various interest groups Rao is not explicitly or implicitly on the 3G waves, the author's enthusiasm remains unabated 3G attention. If you move outside claimed - "Move to change the life", led by the 3G mobile Internet era arrived quietly and thinking of trying to influence people's behavior. I believe this change to explode, detonating the key point is not to enhance transmission rate of hundreds or thousands of times, but in the application of mature content is timely penetrate people's lives - which we knows quite well.

Video phone, mobile search, 3G video surveillance, mobile payment, mobile TV, mobile gaming content ... ... a variety of applications such as shops begin to kaleidoscope of refraction. In a recent opinion on the collection activities of 3G applications, the more users that make mobile security needs, enough to see how people hold on 3G applications with high expectations. 3G services with foreign state to carry out a raging fire, compared to the beginning of the development of the domestic 3G into confusion. Apart from the terminal, user acceptance, content constraints, the business lines is an important factor constraining the development of one. It is understood that the widely used types of business are still in search, mobile IM, mobile email and so on.

2009 "stealing food trend" has indeed a great wave of entertainment at all times SNS social networking with people's nerves, even into 2010, there has been dissipated heat, but it is still retained to create a new round of 'mass movement' of fantasy. Human thinking constantly jump, the result is to guide the science and technology to improve the lives of more intelligent. The lens extends to foreign countries, 3G penetration in the application not only catch up with fashion among the young group, a variety of convenient services such as product discounts, ticket booking, video-on-demand is in people's lives, gaining in popularity.鍗充究鑺辨牱灞傚嚭涓嶇┓锛屼絾瀹楁棬鍙湁涓?釜锛屽嵆鏄敼鍠勪汉浠殑鐢熸椿銆傚湪鏉ョ湅鍥藉唴3G甯傚満锛屾垜浠嫢鏈夋渶骞挎硾鐨勭兢浼楀熀纭??鈥旀嵁涓浗浜掕仈缃戜腑蹇?CNNIC)鏈?柊鍏竷鐨勬暟鎹樉绀猴紝鎴鍒板幓骞村勾搴曪紝鎴戝浗鐨勬墜鏈虹綉姘戣妯″凡杈惧埌2.33浜匡紝鍗犵綉姘戞?浣撶殑60.8%銆傚簽澶х殑鐢ㄦ埛缇ゆ縺鍙戞垜浠3G搴旂敤鐨勬?鑰冿紝涓嶅彲鍚﹁锛岃繖鏄竴涓换閲嶈?閬撹繙鐨勮繃绋嬶紝闇?瑙e喅缁堢銆佺敤鎴锋帴鍙楀害銆佸唴瀹圭瓑澶氶噸闅鹃銆傛墍骞哥殑鏄紝3G鍙戝睍鎴戜滑鎵嶅垰鍒氬惎绋嬨? 4鏈?7-29鏃ュ嵆灏嗕簬鍖椾含涓捐鐨?010 NexCom Expo涓嬩竴浠g綉缁滈?淇″睍鏆–WCC涓浗鏃犵嚎閫氫俊澶т細涓娿?CECC 涓浗浼佷笟閫氫俊澶т細灏嗗洿缁曗?鎬庢牱鐨?G鏉?墜绾у簲鐢ㄦ墠鑳借鎴戜滑鏀惧純2G鈥欒繖涓?儹鐐瑰懡棰樺睍寮?縺鐑堣璁恒?灞婃椂涓氱晫鍚勬柟绮捐嫳灏嗛綈鑱氫含鍩庯紝涓哄埌鍦鸿浼楃尞涓婃柊骞寸殑绮剧澶ч銆?br />
銆??鍏ㄦ柊鏀圭増鎺ㄥ嚭鐨?010 NexCom Expo 涓嬩竴浠g綉缁滈?淇″睍 鏆?CECC涓浗浼佷笟閫氫俊澶т細銆丆WCC涓浗鏃犵嚎閫氫俊澶т細灏嗕簬2010骞?鏈堜簬浜妇琛屻?鍏朵腑鐨凜WCC涓浗鏃犵嚎閫氫俊澶т細灏嗙潃閲嶆帰璁?G涓氬姟搴旂敤銆佺Щ鍔ㄥ簲鐢ㄥ晢搴椼?3G澧炲?涓氬姟銆佸鍊间笟鍔″钩鍙般?鎵嬫満鎿嶄綔绯荤粺绛夌Щ鍔ㄤ簰鑱旂綉鐩稿叧鐑偣鍦ㄥ浗鍐呯殑鍙戝睍搴旂敤銆備綔涓哄浗鍐呬笅涓?唬缃戠粶閫氫俊棰嗗煙鏈?珮绔殑灞曚細锛孨exCom Expo 涓嬩竴浠g綉缁滈?淇″睍 鏆?CECC涓浗浼佷笟閫氫俊澶т細銆丆WCC涓浗鏃犵嚎閫氫俊澶т細涓?洿涓撴敞浜庡浐缃戠Щ鍔ㄨ瀺鍚堜笅杩愯惀鍟嗐?SP鍜屽巶鍟嗗湪ICT棰嗗煙鐨勬渶鏂颁骇鍝侊紝鏂规鍜屽鍊兼湇鍔″苟涓斾繚鎸佹晱閿愮殑瑙傚療鍔涳紝涓鸿涓氬唴鏈?柊銆佹渶鐑殑鍏虫敞鐐规彁渚涙帰璁ㄥ钩鍙般?鏈灞曚細涓撳満鍐呭娑电洊鑼冨洿濡備笅锛?br />
銆??CWCC 涓浗鏃犵嚎閫氫俊澶т細


銆??4鏈?7鏃ヤ笅鍗?3G澧炲?涓氬姟 涓撳満

銆??4鏈?8鏃ヤ笂鍗?鍏ㄤ笟鍔¤繍钀?涓夌綉铻嶅悎 涓撳満

銆??4鏈?8鏃ヤ笅鍗?涓嬩竴浠i?淇?IMS锛孎MC锛孭TN锛孭ON绛? 涓撳満

銆??4鏈?9鏃ヤ笂鍗?浼佷笟鏃犵嚎閫氫俊/鏃犵嚎鍩庡競 涓撳満

銆??4鏈?9鏃ヤ笅鍗?鐗╄仈缃?鏅鸿兘缁堢 涓撳満

銆??CECC 涓浗浼佷笟閫氫俊澶т細


銆??4鏈?7鏃ヤ笅鍗?瑙嗛閫氫俊 涓撳満

銆??4鏈?8鏃ヤ笂鍗?浜戣绠?鏁版嵁涓績 涓撳満

銆??4鏈?8鏃ヤ笅鍗?铻嶅悎閫氫俊/浼佷笟澧炲?涓氬姟 涓撳満

銆??4鏈?9鏃ヤ笂鍗?鍛煎彨涓績 涓撳満

銆??4鏈?9鏃ヤ笅鍗?鍛煎彨涓績杩愯惀绠$悊 涓撳満

銆??鏈細灞曞彧瀵逛笓涓氳浼楀紑鏀撅紝搴т綅鏈夐檺銆傛杩庝笓涓氫汉澹湪www.nexcomexpo.com涓婃彁鍓嶆敞鍐?浼氬墠涓?湀浠ヤ笂娉ㄥ唽鍙幏鍙栧厤璐瑰叆鍦哄埜)銆傚苟娆㈣繋骞垮ぇ涓撲笟璇昏?鍜岃浼楁彁鍑哄浼氬睍璁锛屽舰寮忕瓑鏂归潰鐨勫缓璁?鎰忚閲囩撼鑰呭皢鑾峰緱绮剧編绀煎搧銆?br />
銆??鏈夋剰浠ュ弬灞曟垨鍙戣█褰㈠紡杩涜瀹d紶鐨勮繍钀ュ晢锛孲P, 鍘傚晢鎴栨笭閬擄紝璇疯仈绯伙細; 鐢佃瘽锛?10 82212911;021 51701588.


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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Deep antivirus Guide (1)

Malware sudden recovery process steps include:

Step 1: infection confirmed

Quickly determine whether the system has been infected with the organization to minimize the impact of infection is essential.閫氳繃蹇?纭鎰熸煋骞舵爣璇嗗畠鐨勫彲鐤戠壒寰侊紝鍙互闄嶄綆鎰熸煋鐨勪紶鎾?搴︼紝骞跺噺灏忓畠瀵圭敤鎴风殑涓嶅埄褰卞搷銆?br />
There are many different types of computer failure could be mistaken for viral behavior. When the user through telephone or e-mail that "I think I'm the system has been infected" the support of staff must first determine whether the act Youkenengyou 鏌愮 types of malicious code by Dao Zhi. The following list provides some users may be reported as "virus-like" behavior of the typical symptoms of an example:
鈥?"I have to open an email attachment, then the situation is not abnormal; and now my computer is abnormal behavior. "
鈥?"I received an e-mail reply from the contact and asked me why I send them. Exe,. Zip or other accessories, in fact I have never sent a similar document. "
聽聽聽 鈥?"鎴戠殑闃茬梾姣掕蒋浠跺凡缁忓仠姝㈠伐浣滐紝涓旇绠楁満鎬绘槸鑷姩鍏虫満锛?"
聽聽聽 鈥?"鎴戠殑绋嬪簭宸ヤ綔寮傚父锛屽畠浠殑閫熷害閮介潪甯告參锛?"
鈥?"I can not open certain files or has disappeared! "

The user's observation and feedback is critical, because they have first to notice unusual activity may be. With unexpected speed of malicious software continue to increase, the initial infection and the effective length of time between the availability of defense has become increasingly important.鐢变簬澶ч儴鍒嗘劅鏌撳皢鍦ㄨ闃舵鍙戠敓锛屽洜姝ょ粍缁囪兘鍚﹀揩閫熸爣璇嗗苟纭鎰熸煋瀵逛簬灏嗙獊鍙戠殑浼犳挱鑼冨洿鍜屽畠鍙兘閫犳垚鐨勬崯瀹抽檷鑷虫渶浣庣▼搴﹁嚦鍏抽噸瑕併?

聽聽聽 浠ヤ笅閮ㄥ垎姒傝堪浜嗕竴绯诲垪浣挎偍鑳藉鏇村揩閫熷湴纭寮傚父琛屼负绌剁珶鏄惁鏄伓鎰忚蒋浠舵敾鍑绘垨绐佸彂鐨勬楠ゃ?

聽聽聽 濡傛灉鏂板瀷鎭舵剰杞欢鎰熸煋绯荤粺锛屽垯璇ョ郴缁熺殑鐢ㄦ埛灏嗙涓?釜娉ㄦ剰鍒板紓甯歌涓恒? Malicious software in the new release time and update anti-virus scanning applications to detect and respond to malicious software that often exists between the time delay. Early warning system to provide the best method is to let users know how to identify possible malicious software attacks signal, and providing them with fast communication links in order to report these malicious software attacks as soon as possible.

聽聽聽 鎰熸煋鎶ュ憡
Upon receipt of the user telephone or generate the possible new malware attacks alarm, used to define a warning as soon as possible to determine whether the process related to new attacks are usually very good for technical support. The following diagram shows the main steps in the process:

Figure 1 reports the process of malware infection

聽聽聽 寮傚父娲诲姩鎶ュ憡
The following issues apply to determine the cause of the alarm if abnormal activity may be a new malicious software. This guide assumes that these issues should be organized in the IT technical support to members to put forward non-technical users.

Collect basic information
The initial question should be can help to determine the alarm as soon as possible the nature and whether it is possible that new malicious software answers. You can use the following sample questions as a starting point of the process; should carry out modifications to meet the needs of the organization:
聽聽聽 鈥?鎶ュ憡鐨勬棩鏈熷拰鏃堕棿锛?br />聽聽聽 鈥?瀵艰嚧杩涜鎶ュ憡鐨勫紓甯告椿鍔ㄦ槸浠?箞锛?br />鈥?In the unusual event happened before the event?
鈥?whether the recent visit to a "normal" daily access to any Web site other than?
鈥?The system recently is in the external networks (for example, at airports, home networks, Wi-Fi hotspot or guest house)?
鈥?whether you are on the screen to see any unusual pop-up windows or ads?
聽聽聽 鈥?褰撳墠姝e湪杩愯鍝簺寮傚父鎴栨剰澶栬繘绋嬶紵
鈥?The computer is a workstation or server? It uses what operating system?瀹冨簲鐢ㄤ簡鍝簺瀹夊叏鏇存柊锛?br />鈥?it connected computer or any device whether to include mission-critical data?
鈥?whether the user account that has administrator privileges login?
鈥?the user whether to use strong passwords or password?
聽聽聽 鈥?璇ョ郴缁熶互鍓嶆槸鍚﹂伃鍒拌繃鎭舵剰杞欢鏀诲嚮锛?br />
聽聽聽 璇勪及璇ユ暟鎹?br />Collection of answers to these questions, technical support staff should assess the control group the following questions to collect data to help determine whether malicious software may be a reason:
鈥?whether the report could be a legitimate system features a new feature or update the results?
鈥?it can by the authorized user (not hackers / intruders) to explain the activities?
聽聽聽 鈥?瀹冭兘鍚︾敱宸茬煡鐨勭郴缁熸椿鍔ㄥ緱鍒拌В閲婏紵
聽聽聽 鈥?瀹冭兘鍚︾敱瀵圭▼搴忔垨绯荤粺鐨勬巿鏉冩洿鏀瑰緱鍒拌В閲婏紵
Finally, check the external anti-virus source, to determine whether the report, some of the existing virus or worm alert.

Collect detailed information
聽聽聽 姝ゆ椂锛屽彲浠ョ‘瀹氭柊鎭舵剰杞欢鏀诲嚮鏄惁鏄棶棰樼殑鍙兘鍘熷洜銆傚鏋滀笉鏄紝鍒欏彲鑳介渶瑕佹洿楂樼骇鍒殑鎶?湳淇℃伅锛屼笖鎶?湳鏀寔浜哄憳鍙兘闇?浠ョ墿鐞嗘柟寮忚闂紙濡傛灉鍙兘锛岃繙绋嬫帶鍒讹級鍙枒绯荤粺銆?You can use the following example to collect more detailed technical information, and clearly identify whether the system has been hackers or malicious code attacks:
鈥?equipment itself or in front of the firewall is enabled?濡傛灉鍚敤锛屽摢浜涚鍙e凡鍚?Internet 寮?斁锛?br />聽聽聽 鈥?濡傛灉搴旂敤绋嬪簭鍑虹幇鏁呴殰锛屽垯绔嬪嵆鑱旂郴搴旂敤绋嬪簭渚涘簲鍟嗕互纭畾鏍规湰鍘熷洜锛堜緥濡傦紝褰撳墠鐨?Microsoft 搴旂敤绋嬪簭鎻愪緵鍙敤浜庡彂閫佹晠闅滄姤鍛婄殑閿欒鎶ュ憡宸ュ叿锛夈?
鈥?the existence of the system has been released, but not yet installed the security update?
聽聽聽 鈥?绯荤粺鎷ユ湁鍝绫诲瀷鐨勫瘑鐮佺瓥鐣ワ紵 What is the minimum password length? Password complexity requirements?
鈥?the existence of the following new or suspicious circumstances:
鈥?the local computer if there is any new or suspicious account?
鈥?Administrators group for the presence of new or suspicious account?
聽聽聽 鈥?鏈嶅姟绠$悊鎺у埗鍙颁腑鏄惁鍒楀嚭浜嗘柊鐨勬垨鍙枒鐨勬湇鍔★紵
鈥?Event logs for new or suspicious incidents?
聽聽聽 鈥?鏄惁瀛樺湪鐢?Netstat 瀹炵敤绋嬪簭鎶ュ憡鐨勬寚鍚戝閮?IP 鍦板潃鎴栧彲鐤?IP 鍦板潃鐨勭綉缁滆繛鎺ワ紵

Response to unusual activity
The initial information gathered and used to determine the nature of alarm, the support staff should determine what happened is that false alarms, hoax or the real malicious software.

聽聽聽 鍒涘缓鍋囨伓鎰忚蒋浠舵姤鍛婅姣斿紑鍙戠梾姣掓垨锠曡櫕瀹规槗寰楀锛屽畠鍙互纭繚鍒涘缓璁稿鍋囨伓鎰忚蒋浠惰鎶ャ? These hoaxes and their calls and warnings generated will waste a lot of time and money. Mischief will bring trouble to the user, and usually report them to question the role of possible attacks. Should note the following to ensure proper handling of alarms:
鈥?false alarms. If the report is a false alarm, you should record call information. Regularly check the information may help determine the need for additional user training.
鈥?prank. Tracking and recording false alarms and malicious software malware real activities are important because they are still attacking instance - but they do not use malicious code.灏嗘湁鍏冲亣鎭舵剰杞欢璀︽姤浠ュ強鐪熸鎭舵剰杞欢濞佽儊鐨勪俊鎭姤鍛婄粰鐢ㄦ埛搴斾负缁勭粐鐨勫父瑙勯槻鐥呮瘨閫氫俊鐨勪竴閮ㄥ垎銆?This information will help users identify in advance hoax, thereby reducing the efficiency of the lower level.
鈥?known to be infected. If the system is infected, support staff should take steps to determine whether the infection is to use existing anti-virus applications deal with known attacks. Should check the system's anti-virus application to ensure it is functioning properly and to keep up to date.鐒跺悗锛屽簲杩涜瀹屾暣鐨勭郴缁熸壂鎻忎互灏濊瘯娓呯悊绯荤粺銆?If the scan successfully identify and clean up the infection, you should record call and send a warning to all users, to ensure that their anti-virus systems up and running and has been updated.濡傛灉鎵弿鏃犳硶鏍囪瘑鐗瑰畾褰㈠紡鐨勬伓鎰忚蒋浠讹紝鍒欏簲灏嗗叾瑙嗕负鏂版劅鏌擄紝骞堕伒寰?amp;quot;浜嬩欢鍝嶅簲杩囩▼"閮ㄥ垎涓殑鎸囧崡銆?br />鈥?New infections.濡傛灉绯荤粺鍙楀埌鏂版伓鎰忚蒋浠舵敾鍑荤殑鎰熸煋锛屽垯搴旀墽琛屼竴浜涘垵濮嬫搷浣滐紝浠ョ‘淇濇纭湴浜ゆ祦闂銆?The initial operation is designed to help IT support staff has always followed a process used to ensure proper operation follow the process.瀵瑰墠闈㈠垪鍑虹殑鍒濆闂鐨勫洖绛斿皢甯姪纭畾鍦ㄦ闃舵搴旇?铏戜互涓嬪摢涓垵濮嬫搷浣滐細
聽聽聽 鈥?浣跨敤璀︽姤璇︾粏淇℃伅鑱旂郴绱ф?鍝嶅簲灏忕粍鐨勬寚瀹氭垚鍛樸?
鈥?If you suspect your computer is a server, then contact the administrator to discuss whether it remove the computer from the network.
鈥?If the suspicious computer is a workstation, the link its users to discuss whether to remove the computer from the network.
鈥?To consider the IT system users to trigger a high alarm or warning of attacks against detected warning.
At this point, the role of support staff has been completed. The sudden responsibility will be transferred to the incident response process and the need to inform the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) members.

Step 2: Incident Response

CSIRT will need to convene an emergency meeting as soon as possible to help arrange an event organized to respond to the next stage of the process. About how to create Incident Response Team, as well as the usual security and disaster recovery process more information, please see this guide in the same chapter.

For the purpose of this guide, assuming CSIRT has been created.姝ゆ椂锛岃灏忕粍鐨勭涓?釜鐩爣搴旀槸纭畾鍗虫椂绐佸彂鎺у埗鏈哄埗銆?The following section provides will help determine the mechanism and its components of the options.

聽聽聽 绱ф?绐佸彂鎺у埗
Confirmed malicious software attacks, the first step in control is to ensure that the sudden infection of computer and other equipment isolation. To ensure the isolation of infected computers is important, because it will not spread these malicious computer code. There are different mechanisms used to achieve this isolation, these mechanisms would affect the normal operation of the organization.瑕佺偣:濡傛灉鐩镐俊缁勭粐灏嗘彁璇峰垜浜嬫垨姘戜簨璇夎锛屽垯 Microsoft 寤鸿鎮ㄥ湪閲囧彇杩涗竴姝ョ殑鎺柦鍓嶅挩璇㈢粍缁囩殑娉曞緥浠h〃銆?br />
If the anti-virus community to detect sudden, use anti-virus vendor to provide a guide to help you determine the severity of emergencies. If the current burst in the broader anti-virus community is unknown, should be as soon as possible incidents reported to the anti-virus vendor. They may ask you to malware sample on compression and password protected file and send it to them so that they analyze. Find these examples of the process is not always straightforward, therefore, ideally should be prepared in advance to find malware sample preparation guide.

The next operation to be performed real-time process is to control the spread of attacks. Should consider three basic options:
鈥?The system has been damaged and the local network is disconnected.
鈥?If possible, isolate the infected host on the network contains.
聽聽聽 鈥?濡傛灉鏁翠釜缃戠粶宸查伃鍒扮牬鍧忔垨鏈夊彲鑳介伃鍒扮牬鍧忥紝鍒欏皢鏁翠釜缃戠粶涓庢墍鏈夊閮ㄧ綉缁滄柇寮?繛鎺ャ?

聽聽聽 鍙互閲囧彇璁稿鏇磋缁嗙殑鎶?湳姝ラ锛屽鐩戣瑕佸皾璇曠殑缃戠粶浠ュ強鏍囪瘑鏀诲嚮娑夊強鐨勭綉缁滅鍙e拰 IP 鍦板潃銆?However, if not yet completed a detailed analysis of the malicious software, it is likely omission may lead to more widespread infection of attack methods.缁勭粐鍙敤浜庣‘瀹氳椋庨櫓鏄惁鍙互鎺ュ彈鐨勫敮涓?満鍒舵槸瀹屽杽鐨勫畨鍏ㄩ闄╄瘎浼版姤鍛娿?璇ユ姤鍛婁娇鎮ㄨ兘澶熺‘瀹氭湭闃绘鏀诲嚮浠ュ強鍙兘鎰熸煋鎴栨剰澶栫敤浜庡瀹㈡埛鎴栧悎浣滀紮浼寸粍缁囧彂璧锋敾鍑绘墍娑夊強鐨勯闄┿?濡傛灉鍦ㄦ敾鍑诲彂鐢熷墠鏈畬鎴愭椋庨櫓鍒嗘瀽锛屽垯寤鸿缁勭粐鍔″繀灏忓績浠庝簨锛屽苟閫氳繃閫夋嫨鏈?珮绾у埆鐨勯殧绂绘帾鏂芥潵灏嗕紶鎾敾鍑荤殑鍙兘鎬ч檷鑷虫渶浣庛?

The options listed here only as a guide. May depend on the specific business needs of operational processes, regional settings, effects, severity and other factors, and other may only apply to organizations and unexpected environmental factors.

Ready to resume
Activation of emergency control mechanism, the activity should start the recovery process. The main objective of the recovery process is to ensure to achieve the following objectives:
鈥?Organization of business would be devastating to a minimum.
鈥?recovery from the attack time as fast as possible.
聽聽聽 鈥?鎹曡幏鐢ㄤ簬鏀寔鍙兘鐨勮捣璇夌殑淇℃伅銆?br />鈥?Capture the information for the development of other security measures (if necessary).
聽聽聽 鈥?閽堝宸叉仮澶嶇殑绯荤粺锛岄樆姝㈣绫诲瀷鐨勮繘涓?鏀诲嚮銆?br />
聽聽聽 閬楁喚鐨勬槸锛屽墠涓や釜鐩爣闇?"蹇?淇"鏂规硶锛岃?鍏朵綑涓変釜鏂规硶闇?鑺辨椂闂存敹闆嗘湁鍏虫敾鍑荤殑淇℃伅浠ヤ究瀹屽叏浜嗚В瀹冦? To satisfy these two conditions (that is, to solve the problem quickly, and still capture all relevant data required), please consider using the process shown in the image. The process is designed to ensure the release as soon as possible to restore infected systems, while ensuring that the necessary discussion of the data is not lost.璇ユ暟鎹緢閲嶈锛屽洜涓烘偍鐨勭粍缁囧皢浣跨敤瀹冪‘瀹氭仮澶嶇殑绯荤粺鏄惁浼氬厤鍙楁湭鏉ョ殑鏀诲嚮锛屽悓鏃跺畠杩樺皢鐢ㄤ綔璇佹嵁锛堝鏋滀互鍚庨噰鍙栨硶寰嬫椿鍔級銆?br />
System recovery and virus analysis process should be run as parallel activities to ensure the fastest possible recovery time.

鍥?聽 鍒嗘瀽鍓嶇殑鎭㈠姝ラ

聽聽聽 浣挎墍鏈夌郴缁熷緱浠ユ仮澶嶇殑鏈?揩鏂规硶鏄‘瀹氭煇涓彈鎰熸煋绯荤粺鑳藉惁鐢ㄤ簬鍒嗘瀽銆傚鏋滆兘澶熺敤浜庡垎鏋愶紝鍒欏簲闅旂鍜屽垎鏋愯绯荤粺銆?If you can not be isolated and analyzed, the next best option is to use some type of image software to create the system copy. If the option is available, the system should be shot images, released to restore the original computer, and then create a clone system.

In evidence to be collected or can be a more detailed analysis of the situation, take an infected computer as soon as the image (in the patch starts Zhi Qian) is very important, so be by the best and most appropriate method identifies priority treatment and deal with infection.

Finally, if you can not capture an image, then released to restore the system, should collect a minimum amount of court data. Ideally, the organization's security team should develop and maintain some type of incident response toolkit. You can use this toolkit will be used to provide systems to collect data on the instability and stability in the court system data.璇ュ伐鍏峰寘鍙互鏄洿瀹屾暣鐨勬伓鎰忚蒋浠跺垎鏋愬伐鍏峰寘锛堝皢鍦ㄦ湰绔犵殑涓嬩釜閮ㄥ垎涓敤浜庢毚闇插拰璁板綍鎭舵剰杞欢鐨勬墍鏈夊厓绱狅級鐨勫瓙闆嗐? However, the incident response toolkit main difference is that it should be captured in the shortest period of time the minimum level required for system information, so that the system can be resumed as soon as possible for release.


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